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Nicaraguan organizations in exile celebrate the release of political prisoners

From PBI, we share the joy of Nicaraguan organizations and defenders at the news on Thursday, September 5, of the release of 135 people who were imprisoned for political reasons in Nicaraguan jails. Among these people were several human rights defenders, feminist activists, young people, university professors and journalists, among others.

Indigenous peoples demand urgent action to protect water

March 22nd is World Water Day. This year, representatives from Guatemala’s diverse indigenous peoples and territories presented their findings and demands regarding the water situation to the government of Bernardo Arévalo. This was the result of 24 assemblies for water and life, held during the first quarter of the year in different regions. Over 600 people from more than 35 community organizations, including ancestral authorities, participated in these assemblies.

PBI Nicaragua has a new website!

We are very excited to present the new website of PBI Nicaragua, where you will be able to learn about the history of the Nicaragua Project and go through the most important moments in our accompaniment of Nicaraguan people and organisations in exile, from 2020 to the present day. On the PBI website, you will not only have access to the most up-to-date information about the accompaniment activities of the Nicaragua Project, but also about the organisations we accompany.

UPR and advocacy in Geneva

The work of the Nicaragua Project has focused on advocacy for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in the first semester of 2024, which this year corresponds to Nicaragua. 

We started with a training process in conjunction with the OHCHR and continued with support in advising Civil Society reports to be submitted to the Human Rights Council and in advocacy actions towards the international community.