The CUDJ, Coordinadora Universitaria por la Democracia y la Justicia, is a platform that was founded in Nicaragua in the heat of the social protests of 2018. It is an organisation of young people and students that vindicates the role of youth as a transformative agent in the construction of democracy in Nicaragua. Currently, most of its members have been forced into exile in different countries, from where they continue to analyse, study, and think about a future for Nicaragua, where young people and their demands are taken into account. The CUDJ defends the right to education, academic freedom, and freedom of association and expression of young people. The organisation has among its main demands the demand for justice for the young people killed, injured and imprisoned for speaking out against government policies. It also demands an end to repression and persecution and the right to have access to their academic records to be able to continue their studies in other countries. Since 2024, PBI has accompanied the CUDJ in its memory, documentation and international advocacy work. You can find more information on its website and social networks: