From PBI, we share the joy of Nicaraguan organizations and defenders at the news on Thursday, September 5, of the release of 135 people who were imprisoned for political reasons in Nicaraguan jails. Among these people were several human rights defenders, feminist activists, young people, university professors and journalists, among others.
It is time to highlight the tireless work of all Nicaraguan and international organizations, as well as human rights organizations that have supported the petition to release imprisoned persons for several years. We also recognize the reception and support given by the international community to this petition. The joint effort of all the actors has contributed to achieving the result that we can celebrate today.
We regret that the joy cannot be complete. The organizations from exile maintain the denunciation at the same time that they celebrate. First of all, because this liberation has been accompanied, once again, by another violation of human rights: the exile these people have been forced to live in a foreign country as a condition for their freedom.
In a public statement, the Coordinadora Universitaria por la Democracia y la Justicia -CUDJ expresses: "We strongly condemn the banishment as a punishment and tactic to continue violating the human rights of Nicaraguans."
The feminist collective Las Malcriadas published in their social networks, "Banishment is used by the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship as a torture tactic, a cruel method that crosses the limits of physical separation."

In the same vein, the Human Rights Collective Nicaragua Nunca Más has expressed: "We celebrate the release of 135 political prisoners who will no longer be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in Nicaraguan prisons. We express deep concern at their recent release and forced banishment to Guatemala, which amounts to a crime against humanity."
The Reflection Group of political prisoners released from prison, GREX, has raised with us their concern for the people they have left imprisoned. "We are happy but sad because we still do not know who has remained since the government has not published the list of those released and banished to Guatemala, but at least 28 remained in the prisons," an advocate we keep anonymous tells us.
The GREX, as several organisations express their commitment to continue the struggle for Human Rights, has raised in their social networks, the need to maintain from the International Community the political pressure to release those who remain in prison and recalls that this year will be held the Universal Periodic Review to the State of Nicaragua, so it is an important time for all UN member countries to continue recommending the full release of all political prisoners. (
Precisely, the request for the release of political prisoners was one of the most reiterated recommendations in the reports submitted by civil society organisations as inputs to the UPR process.
All organizations are clear that this is only a small victory that should give courage and encouragement for the struggles that lie ahead. Fernanda Martinez, head of the Advocacy Commission of the Pinoleras Women's Network, and who in September 2023 was at the United Nations Human Rights Council (whose video is here), asking for support to demand the release of women political prisoners, today tells us: "We celebrate the release of our sisters, but we will continue to demand justice and truth because the struggle does not end with the release of the victims but with the real guarantee of non-repetition of human rights violations for all victims. We reaffirm our commitment to continue raising our voices for a free and democratic Nicaragua. Where justice for women is not negotiated."