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🎤 PBI made a statement on behalf of the 46/2 Collective during the Interactive Dialogue with the Group of Experts, which presented the Second Report on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua to the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council on Thursday, February 29.
🔷 The Collective 46/2 urges this Council to maintain its attention on the human rights situation in Nicaragua and to denounce the numerous violations that still persist. We also call on member states to commit to implement the recommendations made by the Group of Experts to the international community to support the Nicaraguan population victims of crimes against humanity." February 2024.


🎤 The feminist defender Cris, a Nicaraguan refugee in Costa Rica, made a statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council in which she calls on states to increase efforts to stop state violence against women in Nicaragua. December 2023.


🎥 Statement at the Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights, read by Fernanda Martínez, Nicaraguan human rights defender, from the Red de Mujeres Pinoleras.
📢 "We urge this Council and the entire international community to make a statement calling for the release of all political prisoners and permanently condemning all human rights violations perpetrated in Nicaragua". September 2023.