Pinolera Women’s Network
The Pinoleras Women’s Network was founded in 2020 by Nicaraguan women refugees in Costa Rica, following the 2018 socio-political crisis in Nicaragua. More information
This is the website of Remupi, Red de Mujeres Pinoleras:

Las Malcriadas
Las Malcriadas is an organization of young feminists, founded in 2018 in Nicaragua by women with diverse experiences of feminist activism and organizing. More info.
This is the website of the collective Las Malcriadas:
Coordinadora Universitaria por la Democracia y la Justicia (CUDJ)
The CUDJ is a platform founded in Nicaragua during the 2018 social protests. It is an organisation of youth and students that vindicates the role of youth as a transformative agent in the construction of democracy in Nicaragua. More info.

Grupo de Reflexión de Excarcelados Políticos
The Grupo de Reflexión de excarcelados políticos, GREX, is a social organization, founded in December 2019 by people who had been political prisoners, detained in the context of the social protests of 2018 and subsequent months in Nicaragua. More info.